Colour Therapy – Healing with Hues
Do you know the answer to a very simple question: what is colour? Let us answer this simple question. It is not likely that every colour carries energy of a certain wavelength. If we look around us, we will definitely find colours everywhere. Each kindles your mind in a specific way; each has to do with emotions and mood. Each can work on our psychology and heal our body. This forms the basis of Colour Therapy – a colourful mode of treating the body, mind, and soul.
The human body is composed of seven ‘chakras’ or energy points, each of which conforms to the seven colours in the visible spectrum VIBGYOR – Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. The energy within the shades can be allowed to reverberate in the energy points, and therefore establish a balance within the body of living beings. If this is achieved, ailments can be treated and the physical being could be considered healthy. Colour therapy helps in bringing about this very balance by stimulating the chakras with the help of the energy stored within the seven colours.
Which Chakra Responds to What Colour?

The Crown
Situated at the top of a person’s head, the crown defines understanding and knowledge, and is directly connected with the person’s central nervous system. An individual can connect with the divine via the crown chakra. An imbalance of energy in this spot can lead to psychological issues, including depression. The crown responds to the colour Violet.
The Brow
Also known as the “Third Eye”, the brow is located on a person’s forehead right between the brows, influencing the spiritual being. It is by impression of this chakra that a person is stirred with the quest for knowledge and is also responsible for his wisdom and intuition as well. A blockage of energy flow in this spot can lead to loss of memory and intuition. The brow chakra responds to the colour Indigo.
The Throat
Your throat also plays an important part as an energy chakra resides in your throat as well. It helps in easy communication and offers an individual his sense of judgment. It is because of this chakra that a person is able to tell good and bad apart and also helps in self-expression. The throat chakra is directly connected with your thyroid gland, influencing the neck, shoulder, ears, and arms as well. A blockage in this spot can lead to a poor sense of judgment, thyroid problems, neck and shoulder pain, and auditory issues. The throat chakra responds to the colour Blue.
The Heart
The heart chakra, evidently, resides in the heart of a person and because of its position, a person learns the art of loving. The chakra blesses him with passion and desire, peace and harmony. It directly affects the lungs and if energy flow glitches here, it can lead to heartbreaks, loss of emotions, inhumanity, lack of compassion, weak immune system, and problems related to the heart and lungs. The heart chakra responds to the colour Green.
The Solar Plexus
The solar plexus lies just above the navel, helping in the process of digestion. It stimulates the pancreas and the adrenals and also exerts its effect on the muscles in the stomach. It is this spot where a person’s ‘gut feelings’ arise and a person learns the joy of laughing and the distress caused by anger. His sense of success, ambition, and capabilities are largely defined by this chakra. If there is a blockage here, it can lead to improper digestion and bowels, frustration, and a loss of direction. The sufferer might feel victimized all the time. The solar plexus responds to the colour Yellow.
The Sacral
This chakra is located between a person’s navel and the tip of the spinal cord. The energy point directly influences the lower part of the stomach, including the circulatory and reproductive systems. It mostly affects the kidneys and urinary bladder. The chakra is associated with a person’s sexuality and sense of pleasure and the aesthetic sense. If the energy flow here is inappropriate, it can lead to sexual guilt and OCDs. The sacral chakra responds to the colour Orange.
The Base
Also known as the root chakra, this energy point is located at the perineum, the area between the anus and scrotum. It is termed ‘root’ because it is nearest to the earth and therefore keeps a person down-to-earth. It affects the intestine, hips, legs, and associated bones, and provides the body the needed strength to stand upright and works as a defense during a fight response. If the energy flow is blocked in this area, it can lead to weakness, paranoia, passive behavior, and the inability to fight adverse situations. The base chakra responds to the colour Red.
How Does Colour Therapy Help?
In recent times, colour therapy is of great help to heal many kinds of diseases. The human body can absorb any colour through the skin, eyes, and cranium. Each shade is an energy field, which can affect us anywhere, at any time. The colours can exercise their effect in spite of our physical, mental, and spiritual makeup. This is because the body, mind, and spirit are not separate units but are interlinked and function together. Each cell in our body has the potential to soak in this light energy and use it for healing.
The entire process of colour therapy is holistic, non-invasive, safe, and without side effects. It improves blood circulation within the body, helps in calming the mind, improves the immune system, lowers nervousness, hastens wound healing, and gives the body the power to endure pain. As the colours have the power to attend to all layers of our existence, colour therapy has emerged as a significant way of freeing the body, mind, and spirit of all ailments.
Which Ailments Are Treatable With Colour Therapy?
A professional colour therapist will make use of certain tools for the application of a coloured light to balance the energy in any or all of the seven chakras. The concerned person who practices colour therapy as a profession will introduce the colours visually or verbally to the people to heal the pain. Generally, candles, lamps, gemstones, glass prisms, colored fabric, eye lenses, crystals, or lasers are used for the purpose. Depending on the ailing area, the light will be introduced to your body so that the energy contained in the corresponding colour is absorbed to the utmost.